» PDF A Politics of Love A Handbook for a New American Revolution Marianne Williamson 9780062873934 Books
Felix Downs on Thursday, May 30, 2019
PDF A Politics of Love A Handbook for a New American Revolution Marianne Williamson 9780062873934 Books

Product details - Hardcover 240 pages
- Publisher HarperOne (April 23, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0062873938

A Politics of Love A Handbook for a New American Revolution Marianne Williamson 9780062873934 Books Reviews
- If you feel hopeless about the state of politics and current affairs, or worried about how we are all getting along, there is so much in this book worth exploring. I was pretty blown away by it and really can't speak highly enough about it. The ideas within offer a powerful prescription for America and the world. While politics is a core theme,it also has a lot of heart and is really a roadmap for our collective lives as a common humanity. It speaks to much deeper themes about what it means to be alive and in relationship to one another. I got misty eyed many times, and felt the elation of possibility for what we can all do together — over and over. It’s both practical and inspiring.
I think this is one of Marianne’s best written and most inspiring books yet. In addition to the emotional and spiritual themes relating to the human condition, she writes about many of the hot button issues we face immigration, climate change, the assault on democracy, racism, corporatocracy, the political divide, war and peace, and even Trump, among many other topics.
While she can be fierce in what she is calling out, throughout it all, she brings big heart, a lot of love and compassion. It’s a real blueprint for how we can make not only tangible changes, but how we can (and should!) be working together in deeper and more loving ways as we make the changes.
I wish that every person in America, and especially every politician, were required to read this book. If they did, humanity would really blossom. Go Marianne! - I just got this book, I have many of Marianne’s books, and have been to four of her small weekend retreats. I started reading yesterday, I had a hard time putting it down. The first chapter really is some of her best writing, on to three more and wow, everyone should read this book. I will settle back in tomorrow for another four or five chapters. I feel like she is speaking to me.
- This book is written with deep insight and wisdom - an answer with depth for these times. As Marianne Williamson says these are serious times and we need to go deep within ourselves and within the problems we are facing in order to respond.
- I first heard Marianne Williamson speak at the Universalist Unitarian Church on the upper west side of Manhattan in the early 80’s. I paid $7 to sit on a folding metal chair in the church’s auditorium. She introduced me to A Course in Miracles. I was awe struck. I went back to see her almost every month after that for years. Having begun my own spiritual journey, I found that, a few weeks before she was due back in New York, I would be challenged with a dilemma that I couldn’t resolve. Always, at her evenings in that auditorium, I would receive the guidance that I needed to understand the issue I was being faced with. I felt like she was speaking just to me, yet I understood that everyone in the auditorium felt the same thing. It’s the miracle of A Course in Miracles, and Marianne’s gift.
It was a time when those of us living in metropolitan areas, and working in what are known as the “glamour†professions, suddenly started seeing people we knew and cared about start dropping dead for no explainable reason. It was the time when a disease which didn’t even have a name yet was changing everything and only a small group of people even admitted that it was happening. Marianne gave us a place to come together and share our fears and our grieving. She says of that time, “Unless you’ve been in a war zone, you can’t truly understand what those days were like.â€
I remember the evening when she told us that her book, A Return to Love was about to be released. “If you’ve been coming to hear me speak,†she said, “you don’t need to buy it. You’ve already heard everything that’s in it.†And then she went on Oprah and she became famous.
When I went to hear her speak after Oprah, I watched the energy descend from above into the top of her head and out through her throat chakra to the audience. By then I was also a little skilled at the channeling thing, so I knew what I was looking at. She was perfect that night, in my opinion. She hit every note the “Invisible Helpers†sent through to her and every note connected to the audience perfectly. She was a perfect 10—and I was bored. I drifted away, only to revisit her at lengthy intervals to check in. Tears to Triumph was one of those reconnecting points. I loved it.
Now she’s running for president and has released A Politics of Love simultaneously. I tend to be a skeptic. But as I read A Politics of Love, I once again got an answer to a dilemma I was pondering. The answer this time is that there is no answer. There is only choice. We have come full circle. Do we choose love or do we choose fear? She spells it all out in the concise, powerfully-charged phrasing that is her trademark.
After all these years, her power is still also that she can be as self-effacing as she is inspirational. She tells us “My mother used to say, ‘Count to ten before you speak.’ Sometimes I need to count fifteen.†And there was my answer Count to fifteen. Thank you, Marianne, and I’d really loved to see you in the debates.
(InannaWorks.com received a free review copy of this book.) - Marianne Williamson is the truly transformative candidate for President of The United States in the upcoming 2020 election. Her new book, "A Politics of Love," lays out the platform for her candidacy. It is nothing less than a progressive blueprint for rededicating this country towards the principles it is supposed to espouse. Ms. Williamson is swiftly becoming the one candidate who can offer the starkest contrast between the politics of we and us versus Donald Trump's politics of me and I. All voters owe it to themselves to read this book and go to Ms. Williamson's campaign website, Marianne2020.com and see for themselves what is possible for this nation.
- Bravo, Marianne!! Beautiful words!
Powerful message! No other candidate has the answer.
It's all about LOVE. May we all join together and make LOVE the priority in our politics and daily lives.
Together we can witness miracles! - Marianne very powerfully articulates how to move down the path to reclaim our democracy. It is a call to action for all of us to live from our Highest values and put the power of love to work. Love is the antithesis of fear which has been running the show too long. It’s time to name the root problems in our society and take radical action to fix them. Any other option is untenable.
- Thank you for this Marianne Williamson! So beautifully articulated and expressed! This book is a call to re-member in courage and strength the essence of our being as individuals and community! All Good things belong to us and I want to live and breathe this rather than defaulting to negative, critical or self righteous thoughts and actions. Thank you! Beth Easter