» Ebook Draven Afterlife Special Edition Book 1 King of Kings Special Edition edition by Stephanie Hudson Paranormal Romance eBooks
Felix Downs on Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Ebook Draven Afterlife Special Edition Book 1 King of Kings Special Edition edition by Stephanie Hudson Paranormal Romance eBooks

Product details - File Size 4765 KB
- Print Length 675 pages
- Publication Date March 27, 2019
- Language English

Draven Afterlife Special Edition Book 1 King of Kings Special Edition edition by Stephanie Hudson Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews
- I had an inkling as to what Dom was thinking when he met Kazzy....or so I thought!!! Scratch every thing you thought you knew and just shut up and read lol. As always Stephanie never ceases to amaze me. I honestly don't know where to begin without giving away the story. What I will say is that reading his point of view really makes me what to know more about what he was thinking when other things happened in the rest of the saga! If you have not finished reading his point of view yet GET TO IT PEOPLE lol. Stephanie is an amazing writer and has an excellent team behind her. Keep this in mind by time you finish this one the next part will be out. 💜💜💜
- Now we get to see what Draven is thinking thru mist of the first book, and if you haven't fallen in love with him before and thought he was sexy then you will with him this time. Stephanie Hudson you did it again. Thank you for your crazy wonderful mind and storys. Blake Hudson you knocked it out of the park with the cover as always. Can't wait for book 2 coming out end of April 2019.
- Loved it couldn't stop reading love Draven thoughts.. Google funny funny ) can't wait to read book 2
- Like all of the afterlife books, this book was so good! It's great to get Dravens side of the situation. It really cleared some things up. Cant wait for the next one!
- I totally loved it. I did skip over Kiera's parts because I've read Book 1 twice. When it's time to reread this book then I'll read Kiera's chapters with. Can't wait for Book 2
- Definitely work buying the special edition copy. I love having both points of view for my re-read while I'm waiting for the next book to come out.
- Of the hundreds of books I have read, this series is by far my absolute favorite. I can never get enough of Draven. So glad to finally get to see the beginning from his side.
- I am a huge fan of Stephanie’s books ever since she brought out the first Book of the Afterlife saga years ago. When she announced that there was going to be a few books from Draven’s POV, I was super excited. The book was as great as all the others – very emotional and giving nice insights into his thoughts. However, I can’t give more than 4 stars for two reasons. One, as much as I love many books in one series, I was a little disappointed that Stephanie cut the first book from Draven’s perspective in two. Considering book1 from Keira’s POV is only one book, this was not necessary in my opinion. Stephanie’s books are known for ending on a huge cliffhanger, and I wasn’t too happy about where it ended. And two (and I usually don’t comment on this because I’m not a native), there were a lot of mistakes and grammar issues on every second page. Also, the commas were sometimes misplaced so that I had to read the sentence a few times to understand its meaning. I know that Stephanie uses a unique voice and likes to be very descriptive, using very long sentences and describing every little detail, but I felt this book was published before it was thoroughly edited.
Anyway, I hope Book 1.2 will be published soon )